Monday, March 26, 2012

Researchers Achieve Quantum Teleportation Over 10 Miles of Empty Space

I always appreciated Star Trek since it stretched your imagination by taking current research and pushing it into science fiction fact. Teleportation being one of those sci-fi capabilities in Start Trek appears to be another reality in our own time. Scientists all over the globe are playing with lasers and optics to create quantum entanglements between particles. When you act upon one particle, the other particle reacts, no matter how far away it is located from the other particle, due to quantum entanglement. Einstein called this "spooky action at a distance " and it's one of the unsolved mysteries which he failed to formulate a theory of connectivity "the theory of how everything is interconnected on an atomic level". In China some scientists have succeeded in affecting quantum entangled particles that were separated by ten miles, a new distance record.

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